Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Joe Jonas - See No More

It was saturday when I got that call
Far away from feeling small
I know, I know, I know what the truth is, yeah
I tried to look away from what you did
Heartache became my friend

You walked away from me baby
I would've never done the same
You made me feel like our love was not real
You threw it all away, so...


I don't wanna wait for you
I don't wanna wake up thinkin, hopin
You'll get it right this time
'Cause you know that you’re so cold
I don't wanna see no more
And I can’t get away from you

It's one of the reasons why
That I just can't get you out my mind
And all I keep seein is your picture
But I don't wanna see no more
But I don't wanna see no more
I don't wanna see no more
I don't wanna see no more

[Joe Jonas - Verse 2]

It was so easy to trust you baby
Guess I was so stupid baby
I didn't ever think that this would come
You’re runnin right to another one

You walked away from me baby
You threw it all away, so

I don't wanna wait for you
I don't wanna wake up thinkin, hopin
You'll get it right this time
'Cause you know that you’re so cold
I don't wanna see no more
And I can’t get away from you

It's one of the reasons why
That I just can't get you out my mind
And all I keep seein is your picture
But I don't wanna see no more
But I don't wanna see no more
I don't wanna see no more
I don't wanna see no more


I used to be afraid of letting go
The fragile part me, i’m here right now
I need you to set me free
I can see it in your eyes
That you won’t blame on me this time
No, never
And I want you back but I won’t look back, no


I don't wanna wait for you
I don't wanna wake up thinkin, hopin
You'll get it right this time
'Cause you know that you’re so cold
I don't wanna see no more
And I can’t get away from you

It's one of the reasons why
That I just can't get you out my mind
And all I keep seein is your picture
But I don't wanna see no more
But I don't wanna see no more
I don't wanna see no more
I don't wanna see no more

Missing You

You had already gone
When summer came
The sun shinning
But my heart was cloudy
It was a nightmare
When you said goodbye to me

Day by day month by month
Till the leaves fell to the ground
Till the land become a brownish land
Yeah, it was autumn
But, you never come and text me anymore

I’m still waiting
Keeping this love
And making breeze this heart for you
Like as cold as a winter
This love is always white
As white as falling snow
Till it is almost the end of the winter

My dearest one
 I hope you hear this whisper of love
Here I am
Missing you and still waiting for you
Hope this spring you’ll back to me
Stringing this love till the end of time

L A 5 E R

Guess what? It has a year I used a white grey uniform. It seems like too fast having predicate as a student of Senior High School for the first level. Till now, I haven’t realized that I’ll pass my second semester holiday. Sometimes I feel that yesterday I was preparing all the things for MOS. Still wearing a white blue uniform and stay in a class which was just 2 boys that I know. Yeah because of they have same school with me, from Boyolali 1 Junior High School. Then, I started to know my classmates one by one. From Pangudi Luhur Junior High School, SMP 1 Klaten, SMP 1 Tulung, SMP 1 Delanggu and most of them are from SMP 2 Klaten. Then together we were preparing all the things for MOS. We got “I Gusti Ngurah Rai” as our theme and ‘golden’ as our basic colour. And you have to know that we also should prepare a cake showing our theme. And we decided to go to bakery and asked a big cake with a Bali map as decorate. And awesome! Our cake is the biggest cake there. Waw!!!

Then day by day, month by month we passed it together. First, maybe we still adaptation with our new environment. But then, we can be one and make a line to make beautiful friendship. And the most meaningful event was very close. Yess, our year event called ENGLISH NIGHT have to face. We did it very hard in order we can show the best. As the committee all of our brothers and sisters in LQI and us were extraordinary preparing this event. We would like to make this event better than before. With so many advices and helps from Edvenvalmyd, our older class in 12 grades we tried to do our best with extra practices. Everyday and everytime we could, we practiced together. Singing, dancing, acting, and playing music. Then, the D-Day was come.

All of us make a round and pray together. Wishing in order we can do that event successfully. One by one the performances were done. And finally the fireworks were turning on and it was the sign that the IDIOGLOSSIA was end. We screamed, laughed, cried and jumped together because our English Night was done successfully. JJJ

From Idioglossia we were getting closer and be best friend forever. We shared whatever we felt to them. To our friends, to our classmates called LA5ER. What are the things that you think first when you heard about LA5ER? Green light which was disturbing Indonesian’s football players when they played in Malaysia? No, it doesn’t. Actually this name was told about us. LA5ER means the last immersion. I’ll remain you that my class is the last immersion program in Klaten 1 Senior High School. So, that’s why we called ourselves with LA5ER. We often make a round that we call ‘forum’ and share about anything. About the incident that happen in around us, about the school’s obligation, about mathematics, biology and the others. But the most motion that usually we talk is about someone. No matter girl or boy. Hhaaahhaaaa…. Some people call it with ‘nggosiip’. LOL

Then, next we have to pass our second semester test. We work hard in order we can go to the next level and get the predicate as a science student as what the school want from us as an immersion student. We studied together and discussed anything that we want to discuss. During 7 days we have to be the winner from some of papers which were full with some questions that have to answer. And finally, that was Saturday. And our home teacher brought our rapport and she began to share it to our parents. One by one we got our rapport. It was not bad for us, because next period all of us will be science students in 11 grades. Sound great isn’t it?

And now, we are enjoying our holiday. Next, I’ll inform you about our vacation, because actually we had planned our trip to spend our long holiday. See yaa…!!!

 LA5ER @ Idioglossia

@pohon bodhi tercinta :)

Indonesian Education after the Disaster

Nowadays, Indonesia got a lot of disasters for example, tsunami in Mentawai, Wasior big flood, Merapi eruption etc. It occurred continuously in no longer time. There were so many victims because of this. Men, women, old people, teenagers, children and also babies in several days became the victims. It was so terrible. They lost their house, family, properties and their school.

Natural disaster is become something frightening to all people. It happens suddenly and without caution. Not only the citizen that worry about it, but so does the government. They must handle some disaster problems in the same time. Actually they did it not only when the disaster happen, but also after the disaster happened. For example they must handle the education program after the disaster.

Although the children lost their school, but it doesn’t mean that they lost their education. Because they still have rightful authority to get their education. To get education is not always in school, wearing uniform and shoes, and bring a bag. They can get knowledge wherever and whenever.

When the disaster occurred, the government can build an emergency school in the location. The government can make a corporation to run this program. An emergency school in the location of disaster has double function, that are for facilitating them to continue their study and also to build their spirit to life after the disaster happened. They must solve their trauma and leave it behind their past. But it wasn’t easy without expert help, people must rebuild their heart and soul. This rebuild process didn’t work just for once, it needed a lot of time to pass this trauma. It liked built a sand house in the beach. Once you build,  a wave come and damage your work, needs a lot of time to make the sand house stand strongly.
And then, how about the education program after the disaster happened? I think the education programs in a school that broke because of the disaster will not run as well as the plan. I can say like that because the infrastructure of the school was broke. Some documents maybe had lost. If we can save them, why don’t we did it as well as we can? We can let the students to save anything that can be saved, clean the school from the debris, and we must make them believe that we still have a dream to reach our dreams.

But, if there’s no one that can be saved, we can build it from a simple thing. We still have our spirit to get success and we still have our earth to be our place to study. Both of them is two things that must we have first. About the facilities, we can ask for help to the government or to a social institute. Sometimes we not only depend on the government. We also must be able to active to get something we need. If the government hasn’t could help about our problems, we can ask for help to a social institute near our city. The social institute will help us; moreover our destination is not just for us ourselves, but it also for a lot of people, especially for the children.

First, maybe we can’t adaptation to this situation. But, always remember an old quote: “Where there is a will, there is a way”. We must be able to be patient and hard work to get success next. While the students have tried to be patient, now is the time to the government. The government has to take action for this serious problem. As we know education is a basic and important thing for a country development. And if there’s no serious action with it, I can’t imagine how the country will grow. The government is built to care about their populace. So, it is something natural if the populace shouts out to ask about their rightful authority.

To solve our education problems on post-disaster there must be corporation and communication between the government and Indonesian people to build our education better.

*That was my Essay when I was be a participant in the Speech Contest of EIA CIMSA 2011

SMANSAKLA bawa pulang 3 piala :) 

piala ku :) second winner of Speech Contest

Wawasan Berbudaya sebagai Alas Globalisasi

Pas HUT sekolah tahun kemaren, aku ditugasi untuk maju mas dan mbak Smansa mewakili kelasku. Dengan tema Wawasan Berbudaya sebagai Alas Globalisasi akhirnya aku bisa menyusun pidato singkat ini. J

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Yth. Tim Juri Pemilihan Mas Mbak SMA N 1 Klaten tahun 2010 dan para hadirin yang berbahagia.
Pertama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Karena berkat limpahan rahmat serta hidayahNya, kita semua dapat berkumpul di sini dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat tanpa kurang suatu apapun.
Sebelumya saya ingin mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun yang ke-53 untuk SMA N 1 Klaten. Saya berharap SMANSAKLA ke depannya akan lebih berkembang, dapat mengolah input dengan baik sehingga akan menghasilkan output yang lebih berkualitas.
Selanjutnya saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih karena saya, sebagai wakil dari kelas X-I telah diberi kesempatan untuk menyampaikan aspirasi saya mengenai Wawasan Berbudaya sebagai Alas Globalisasi.
Seperti yang anda sekalian ketahui bahwa kita berpijak pada suatu Negara dengan kebudayaan yang luar biasa. Dari Sabang sampai Merauke akan kita dapati berbagai kebudayaan dengan unsur estetika yang tinggi. Budaya adalah hal yang terbentuk akibat buah fikir masyarakat, dijadikan pedoman dan bahkan menjadi pola dalam kehidupan. Budaya yang dimiliki oleh suatu daerah jelas berbeda-beda. Dengan keanekaragaman budaya yang luar biasa tersebut sehingga terbentuklah puncak-puncak kebudayaan daerah yang dimiliki oleh Negara sebagai jati diri yang disebut sebagai kebudayaan nasional. Kebudayaan yang kita miliki tersebut berkiblat pada budaya ketimuran yang mengindahkan norma kesopanan sebagai salah satu hal terpenting dalam budaya itu sendiri.
Hadirnya budaya sangat membantu kita dalam menghadapi arus globalisasi yang kian akrab dengan kita. Dewasa ini globalisasi yang sering disebut sebagai sebuah proses hubungan sosial dan saling ketergantungan antar negara dan antar manusia yang bersifat mendunia, sudah sering masuk tanpa jin ke negara kita. Dengan hadirnya tamu tak diundang ini tentu saja kita akan bimbang antara akan menerima atau malah akan menolaknya. Hal ini terjadi karena globalisasi akan memberikan suguhan- suguhan mengiurkan yang akan mendorong kita untuk mengadopsinya. Tapi, karena adat ketimuran yang telah melekat pada kita inilah yang menjadikan kita berfikir keras tentang dampak yang ditimbulkan. Positif atau negatif? Memberi income yang baik atau malah akan menjerumuskan kita dalam keburukan?
Tentunya sebagai insan berbudaya kita harus pandai memilah dan bersikap bijak dengan menerima hal-hal yang menguntungkan dan baik untuk kita dan tentunya sesuai dengan budaya kita. Sedangkan hal-hal yang tidak sesuai dengan kita, lebih baik kita buang jauh agar tidak  mambawa kita tenggelam dalam keburukan. Dalam era yang serba canggih inilah, wawasan wawasan tentang budaya yang kita anut sangat dibutuhkan untuk keperluan di atas. Sehingga jangan sampai kita dibutakan oleh arus globalisasi yang kian memanas dan lupa akan budaya yang kita anut agar kita bisa bersikap bijak untuk menyeleksi dampak-dampak yang ditimbulkan.
Hadirin yang berbahagia..
Kita sebagai penerus bangsa mempunyai tanggung jawab besar dalam melestarikan budaya yang kita miliki. Pelestarian budaya tersebut bisa dilakukan dan dimulai dari hal yang paling kecil. Contoh yang sekarang sudah terealisasi adalah batik di kalangan remaja. Kini, batik bukanlah sesuatu yang hanya dipakai dalam acara resmi dan “style”nya orang tua. Tapi kini batik bisa di design sedemikian rupa dan menjadi busana apik untuk kalangan remaja.
Contoh lain ada pada budaya cinta lingkungan. Maksudnya, kita harus bisa menjadikan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan itu menjadi sebuah budaya. Banyak cara untuk mengekspresikan rasa cinta terhadap lingkungan itu. Salah satunya dengan cara menghijaukan lingkungan sekolah misalnya. Seperti yang terjadi di sekolah tercinta kita ini. Kita disadarkan akan pentingnya penghijauan tersebut dengan membawa satu bibit pohon cemara per anak yang nantinya akan sangat berguna. Apalagi sekolah kita ini sudah dipredikati sebagai rintisan sekolah bertaraf internasional. Sehingga kita harus menjadi tolak ukur untuk sekolah-sekolah lain dalam hal apapun. Termasuk dalam hal kepedulian lingkungan. Nggak ada salahnya kan mempercantik lingkungan tempat kita benaung  jika akan menimbulkan kenyamanan untuk kita?
Ladies and gentlemen
Finally I just wanna say “knowing your own cultures is like knowing who you are”. Mengenal budayamu itu seperti mengenal dirimu sendiri. Terlihat simple tapi sebenarnya butuh proses. Pesan saya kenalilah budayamu sebagai jati dirimu agar kau tidak terjebak dalam caruk maruk kehidupan dunia global yang semakin menggelegar. Predikat sekolah bertaraf internasional bukanlah sekolah yang selalu mengadopsi budaya internasional, tetapi kita harus bisa menjadikan budaya Indonesia menjadi budaya dunia.
Kiranya hanya itu yang dapat saya sampaikan. Besar harapan saya agar hal yang saya sampaikan dapat berguna khususnya untuk saya pribadi dan umumnya untuk kita semua. Mohon maaf apabila terdapat kata kata yang kurang berkenan dalam hati anda sekalian. Terima kasih atas perhatian anda.
Bilahitaufik wal hidayah,
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb